November 13, 2011

Hikayat 1001 malam

Assalamualaikum . Now , im goin to start a story when im having a big party for the hostellers :)
The theme of this party is actually Muslimah , but we make it more Arabian Style with dress such as Jubah . The boys are look so handsome that day and the girls are sooooo pretty Don't get jealous buddy . But there's a mistake in a hall , cause I don't have any chair to sit . So , im just sharing with my friends . While my friends has a coral speaking at the stage and I record a video for them to see their face when at the stage . It's pretty cool baby ! I like it damn much . They do very well up there . After that , when the Principal give a speech im sitting down and take a pictures with my friends . Am I care ? haha . So cruel am i ? hahaha . Then , the party is over on 11.30pm . And the others so tired and goin to hostel and sleep cause tomorrow will have a school :)
So , that's all for today . Bbye ;P