May 27, 2012

You're the one :)

Assalamualaikum >,< Today is the day today is the day I'm in relationship . I feel so happy , thanks for being part of mylife . I hope our relate can be more more far like everyone opps not everyone :) It started with a comment and we ended up with relationships . Thanks again babe . You're totally make me feel better and you always know when I'm gettin mad . Sorryyyyy *,* Yes , I do love my ex but it's almost 3 years ago . I have to move on with mylife . I hope you can understand me . I always hope that you won't forget about me after you live there , it's hurt babe :( I also hope that we can meet as soon as possible hehe . I still wait for it ! Weee ~ Pleaseeeeee , don't make me jealous and mad at you cause I hate to mad at you everytime . Okay ? Take care of yourself at there and pray for my success in SPM . I Love You My Dearest